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Monday night was a success. Scooby was able to find the gold in both the easy and difficult grids and did so rather efficiently. The other robots had difficulties with running in loops (presumably because they did not keep a grid of the spaces they traveled to already), or just running into pits or off the grid. 


Our Algorithm

We have a simple logical algorithm that allows Scooby to keep track of where he is on the board. We initialize a grid with no information, prioritizing movement forward, to the right, backward, and then finally to the left. Once Scooby moves into a space, he marks the surrounding tiles as potentials of the signals it has received (if it received any signals). Similar to the game Minesweeper, Scooby uses overlapping signals to determine the true spaces of any dangers. Once Scooby is able to determine where the Wumpus is, or the gold, he immediately paths to it (to shoot it with the arrow) and then paths back to the origin using the map he created. 

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