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What's the Wumpus Problem, you ask? You came to the right place.

In this project, the goal is to design and build a robot that is able to avoid obstacles in a 4 x 4 grid in order to get to the gold. Each team has to logically program their robots so that the robot can move according to any user input for danger in surrounding spaces.

All About Wumpus

In the 4 x 4 grid there is one Wumpus, any number of holes, and a space with gold. The Wumpus is a monster the robot should either completely avoid or attempt to destroy with the one available arrow. The robot uses light sensors and motors to change its position on the board, only moving to spaces forward, backward, and side to side (no diagonals). When the robot is directly next to a space that contains the Wumpus, it will receive a "scent" signal, and when it is next to a hole it will receive a "breeze" signal. The Wumpus will not be in the same spot as a hole, and there is only one gold space. Similar to the game of Minesweeper, our robot will keep track of the danger signals to determine which spaces actually contain the Wumpus or a hole. The goal is to have our robot successfully maneuver through the grid to reach the gold by avoiding both the holes and the Wumpus with no external prompts except for the scent or the wind (input by the user).

©2021 by Natalie Cristancho. Proudly created with Wix.

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